Monday, November 3, 2014

||     A   C h i l d 's   P r a y e r    ||

“How could I ever say thank you, when the whole of this life’s not enough.”

This line from a song runs through me endlessly.
Sometimes it plays in my mind, 
behind my closed eyelids,
but more often then not it plays in my heart, 
leaking tears through my eyes. 

The line plays while eating, walking, talking and sleeping.
I wake in the dark needing to relieve my baby laden bladder
and the line trails behind me on repeat.  
I return to my bed too tired to sleep.
Too….something to close my eyes, 
I don’t notice at first, but I should, 
it’s become a pattern, not sleeping 
because reality is too precious, because the truth of what awaits is overwhelming.

“How could I ever say thank you,”
Over and over.
And as I stare at the ceiling my hands instinctively move to my growing belly.
My mind opens to the possibilities of what and who this baby girl will be.
My heart revels that what once was a dream is becoming reality.
I recognize that my prayers of the past are being answered,
and I know that my prayer tonight will be heard.

This prayer is one of gratitude but also one of hope and possibility.
I pray she will be healthy and strong.
That she will feel the love daddy and I have for her.
I pray that she will know God and Jesus Christ,
that her heart will be soft and open and she will
be obedient and kind.
I pray that she will seek truth and find it.
That her life will be one of joy, 
and her spirit will be happy and she will know of her deep beauty.

“How could I ever say thank you.”
For sharing what is Yours with me.
For allowing me to love, guide and cherish a soul so strong.
For I know she will be strong..I feel her.
And I fall asleep content,
my hands resting on her, my soul singing

“How could I ever say thank you, when the whole of this life’s not enough”